Tag Archives: Thyrants

Thyrants, September 26 — October 3

thyrants, sept 26-oct 3


@EAWake Dear thyroid, if you are making my migraines worse, I am SO going to mess you up back.

@RawHealer How ’bout FDArants? Found natural T3/T4, but compounded version isn’t same strength. I’ve gained 12 lbs in 2 wks. FURIOUS. :-/


Ari Kenney I’ve been exercising and eating better for the past few weeks. I was really starting to feel, dare I say it, great!? I honestly was forgetting what was so bad about Hashi’s. Until today when all the exhaustion hit me like a ton of bricks again and has left me completely drained emotionally and physically. Seriously thyroid, I’m trying. Can’t you try too?

Cynthia Ortega It’s almost 3 am Sunday Sept 27 (in Japan) and I cant sleep. I woke up itching like crazy. I know this is you damn thyroid. Why… why? First migraines and now hives? WTF!?

Angel Strecker Meds are not working. Doctor increased dose, but went to another brand (Synthroid). Having problems!!!! Forgetful ,can’t concentrate, getting the blues, everything hurts, and waiting for doctor to call back. I hate this shit, just want to crawl under a rock! But at this rate I can’t even fit under a rock! I hate you thyroid… what’s left can’t keep up.

Billie Jean Doty (sung to the tune of “Home On the Range”):

Gland, gland on the brain

where the fear and the consciousness drain

Oh, give me a lab

where the values are FAB

and the hormones stay steady all day

Kathleen Taylor My brain is so bad today, I thought of something this morning and now I have forgotten what I was going to rant about… oh brother! Guess it wasn’t all that bad?!?!? I’ll never know now.

Becky Lou Duffy A pain at the back of my head, a neck that wants to flop and a strain over my forehead: All three ingredients equals a hangover feeling which can only be caused for me by a busy day and a ‘not high enough’ dosage of thyroxine!! Oh crap!

Angel Strecker hate
Thyroid Disease today.  Hurting… all my muscles hurt!! It’s a side
effect I’m told. And no one understands, NO! It’s not in my head!!! And
for you people who really know me, when have I ever looked for
sympathy? Never… and I don’t want
it now! Just believe me when I say its all from the thyroid and meds
not kicking in yet. Doctor says it takes time 4 to 6 weeks.  I can’t believe
it takes so long…what the hell!

Pamela Lau Thyrant: Anyone who says “I’m SO tired” and doesn’t know chronic fatigue like we thyroidians do just doesn’t even know the meaning of tired. I’m just sayin’.

Amy Elizabeth Parker Well, this is lovely!: In addition to having Hashimoto’s and gallstones I just found out that I am insulin resistant. Really! As if I needed one more thing!?

Natasha Kahn My left lung has ached for weeks and now that the weather is getting colder my lung just hurts all the time – it feels like someone keeps punching me in the lung. Thyroid, I know it’s not your fault, but could you please be a good role model for my other organs on how to rally and work properly?

Robyn Davis Hahn It is not comforting to clients and patients to thyfog up over simple words like “syringe” and “abdomen”. Thanks thyroid, I’m officially an idiot.

Angel Strecker What is with the sweating? Gee wiz its not enough that I ache all over like I have been working out for body builder of the year; now I’m sweating like a freaking pig… it’s dripping down my back like some boxer after a 10 round fight.  My hair is soaked, looks like I just got out of the shower and all I did was walk to the mailbox. WTF else have I got to look forward to? Can I hit the doctor now!? “That happens” is her reply. “WHY?” is what I’m asking. Come on left side thyroid pick up the pace would ya! I’m really hating you this week. Thanks a lot thyroid!

Anita Roberts I am sooooo beyond irritated at the FDA. I have maybe two months of meds stored up, I have to get it like that cause I live in china. I have NO idea what I’m gonna do in December if this keeps up like this. I do NOT feel good on Synthroid. I hate that crap. I have managed to be ok for a long time on Armour and now Naturethriod. I am pissed off at all this nonsense. I’m having to cut pills and semi guess at doses to get by right now and I’m a little off… and did i mention, pissed???


HD in Oregon: I am a little mad. On Monday I had a full body scan to look for thyroid cancer remnants. Was told results should be in Wednesday or Thursday. Last time, six months ago, I had preliminary results the very same evening. Now with a different doctor, so far silence. Wednesday, Thursday, and so far Friday — nothing!  So I just called them, they are out till Monday.  Dear folks, we’re NOT talking some minor blood test like to check for high cholesterol, we are talking nasty and deadly CANCER.  The big bad C-word. (Some thyroid cancers can indeed be deadly).  We are talking radioactive iodine procedure. We’re talking big sophisticated and very expensive stuff. I am on edge. Waiting folks. Waiting. Worrying.  At least they could have given me an update that the results are not in yet.  Not sure I like the new doctors office. Grrrr.


Filed under Thyrants

Thyrants, September 19-26

thyrants sept 19-26



@Yodat Thyroid – why would I need my armpit hair to grow at an alarming rate?

@christinah84 My TSH is good, but I still feel tired even after 10 hours of sleep. What should I do? I wish I could have my life back.

@EAWake I think I’ve ranted something similar before but I am sick of my thyroid inactivity not allowing other meds to work!

@christinah84 I’m taking my meds religiously at the same time each day. Still I’m sweating like crazy. Can’t hardly wait for winter.

@greeneyez1116 Uhm why exactly am I sweating !? I hate you for this too thyroid.


Cindy Nieswender Not a good day, just felt foggy, couldn’t concentrate and had no energy for anything. It was just a lost day.

Cynthia Reyes Ortega Well it’s the start of a new day for me (I live in Japan) not good either. Just weighed myself and gained 5lbs in a week! Not good! I’m waiting for a call back from the doc so he can give me my lab results! Ughh! Damn thyroid!

Liz Schau Maybe I put too much pressure on your performance. You’re perfect; great; in range. I think I’m accidentally blaming you for some other organ/gland’s failures. Sorry.

Kit Kellison Okay, you jerk! I took a hit out on you and now I’m paying the price. It’s been seven weeks since I had you bumped off and it’s taking forever to get my life going again. I will be a productive member of society, that’s my vow. I WILL win!

Susan Garman So what!!! I stayed out late two nights in a row and you have to have me dragging for an entire week. What’s up with that!!!

Natasha Kahn Keep up the good work! We’re working well together lately. See how nice it is? See how both of our dispositions have improved?? Wouldn’t you like to be like this always? We can. 🙂

Billie Jean Doty Well, I’ve finally figured out who keeps pushing me from behind every time I stop walking.  It’s my OWN ass.  Thanks for that clarification.

Rebekah McAlinden Yo Thyroid – that tight clenching I get in my throat when I’m stressed? It’s not that helpful in exams. I would truly appreciate it if you could just stop doing that now. Thanks.

Giggle G Giggle I have had more heartburn since the removal. I only really had heartburn when I was pregnant and I know that is not happening lol. So is this a common thing for other Cancer patients or ones who had removal or are on thyroid meds? It SUCKS!

Second one: getting bitched out by the EX for not getting enough done. Like he understands crap! Thanks thyroid for making things much more tiring and resulting in something the ex’s bipolar mood swings can direct his problems at.

Megan Orr Dear Thyroid, thanks for needing to be removed which caused some damage to my vocal chords. Now I can’t even scream when I’m mad.

Laura Chen It’s so annoying, so f-ing awful. No one should ever, ever need to experience this!

Lori Caprio Callahan I have LOVED butterflies all my life and I am really pissed off that this beautiful creature represents something that has been sucking the life out of me and causing such horrific pain. But, listen up “thyroid gland”, you’re a F’in good fighter but I will not lose. I will rise above and dance with the butterflies again! You watch and see!!!

Rebekah McAlinden Also thyroid, not at all happy about this new flu that I’ve picked up. Can you stop messing with my damn immune system?

Lysa Rivera I miss my hair! My flat(ter) stomach, and being able to get a full 8 hours of sleep. :=(

Kathleen Taylor I went for an occupational physical this week. The very supportive medical director asked the loaded question, “How are you doing?” My reply, “Better, since my most horrible visit with the endo”. So, he begged me to explain… which I did. His reply, “The doctor acted inappropriately with you, but more, she probably didn’t know what to do WITH you, so she blamed it ON you”. Now I ask thyroid, is this what I’m doing with you, or what you’re doing with me, too?! You make it so that I can’t figure anything out anymore. Help me out here.

Becky Adams De Luca Do I love you or do I hate you? I do not know right now, but I do owe you an apology for having you cut in half. I know it wasn’t your fault, but that golf ball had to go. I was having trouble living, washing my hair, sleeping, and breathing, and if I can’t breathe, you can’t live. I thought it was a compromise we could live with. I get rid of half of you and I can breathe again!

In the four days since the procedure, I am feeling fine. I feel the void where the lump used to be, but cannot say I am sad. I need now to wait and see if you will love or hate me.  Love, Becky

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Filed under Thyrants

Thyrants, September 12-19

thyrants sept 12-19


@EAWake After months of trying to get you back in shape, a test Monday says you’re still not happy! Another increase in hormone.

@EAWake Thyroid — What do you want from me? I give you everything and you give nothing back: no hormone, no love, eff you!

@christinah84 My thyrant: I love my foggy brain; lets me forget how much money I already spent on meds so I don’t get frustrated about it.

@lejeal I realized something yesterday: I am doing enough to help you. I do what I can. It is enough. Please accept my help.

@christinah84 My hair is dry my eyes are too. Why thyroid do you do those things you do? After those meds, is this as good as it gets?


Becky Lou Duffy Why do you make me feel so shitty and spaced out! Grrrrrrrr!! There’s only one thing for it: CHOCOLATE!!!

Zari Absaroka Well today I’m sick, I have a cold and have low energy, body aches, etc. I got to thinking how being hypothyroid was a lot like this except it didn’t need any germs to accomplish it.

Keli Anaok, I haven’t slept yet since yesterday and I am so tired and it’s hard for me to walk today. I can’t bare the pain anymore my whole body is aching I just feel like crying. Does anyone ever get like that? And I have been SOOO cold today covered up in so many blankets and I am still freezing cold.

Kathleen Taylor What do you call a hot flash that lasts an hour and a half… a super deluxe thylossal heat wave? And, my stars… it even made lil’ ol’ me sweat, that’s right s-w-e-a-t! Oh, those little pools inside my elbows, behind my knees and under my boobs…I especially love it when it happens at 3:00 in the morning. I’ve noticed that the sky is especially pretty at that hour as I stand in the doorway fanning myself trying to cool off. I never would have known all this, thyroid, if it wasn’t for you.

Robyn Davis Hahn I would like to have an entire day that I don’t think about my thyroid. Of course, that would mean it would have to stop choking me. Maybe the saying should be “butterfly on your neck” instead of “monkey on your back”…

Billie Jean Doty Thyroid-thanks SO much for telling my body it wanted sleep when my brain was behaving like a ball in a pin-ball machine.  Wish I knew Kathleen was up. We could’ve played scrabble (making only 1 syllable words of course…).

Rebekah McAlinden Dear Thyroid: had my endocrinologist appointment on Thursday. Mad because you’re only slightly overactive so I’m not getting treated yet, just because he expects you to get worse in a few years. I hate knowing the inevitable. Go. Fuck. Yourself. Gently though. Sick enough as it is.

Amy Elizabeth Parker How about a thypraise? The cooler fall weather definitely agrees with my thyroid!

Vicki Harman Fluharty Dear thyroid, I had an incredibly busy day: school, work, and a walk with my daughter. I made it. Fuck you. I win today.

Pat Mooneyhan I wish I had my thyroid back. Even dying with cancer is better than living without one!!

Cassandra Boykins How about now that I am on medicine for my broken thyroid I am cold!! Before I couldn’t get cold enough. Now I’m ALWAYS cold.

Anita Roberts Last week I forgot my afternoon thyroid dose twice in a row. I spent the weekend as a weepy mess. Why does my thyroid have to attack me that way? I go from a confident, happy go lucky person to an anxiety-ridden weeper in no time. I hate that.

Katie Tipis Colamonaco One word… drained.

Becky Lou Duffy It’s fucking shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought I was supposed to be getting better!! BUT NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! This stinks!!!!!

Caroline Sander I can’t deal with stress anymore. It tires me out as if I am running a marathon every day.

Kathleen Taylor Three weeks of climbing out of the well, finally seeing the light, getting closer to the top and in one quick slip, I lose my grip and fall back into the dark muck at the bottom called depression… just a reminder that you THINK you’re still in control, thyroid? Uh, NO!!! I’m getting back up!

Cyndi Potts Woodruff Just tired. And I’m so sick of being tired.

Pamela Lau Dear thyroid, thanks a lot for giving me blisters while wearing shoes that were never a problem before! Freakin’ awesome!


Filed under Thyrants

Thyrants, August 29 — September 12

thyrants august 29--september12


@Yodat Bought a beautiful pair of shoes yesterday. Woke up today and was so bloated they didn’t fit!

@getsquirrel Damn TSH levels!!!! F U thyroid, F U!!!!! >:

@lejeal We survived a wedding. It was a good week. Let’s keep it that way.


Rebekah McAlinden Dear Mr. Thyroid Man, I have an uber fat neck and am having hot flashes. Fuck you.

Pamela Lau I can’t remember if I forgot to do something.

Kit Kellison I’m really angry about the natural thyroid shortage. How can this happen? This has a serious impact on me and the millions of people in the US who depend on it.

Deanna Mudd Just one of those lovely days when you feel the numbness, the puffiness, the fluid piling on!

Giggle G Giggle It is almost the end of the week, start of school week, and we’re probably all too THYRIED to TYPE LOL!

Suzy Jackson Here’s one for you — I think I’m feeling better these past few days but because I now have the memory of a goldfish I can’t remember how bad I felt last week to compare!

Leslie Freeman I just got back from the pharmacy. Got to pick up a new prescription — this time it’s a medicine for the pain in my hip!! Yeah, the fun never ends!!! 

Rebecca Louise Duffy Freedom from my thyroid doesn’t mean I am fine! I wish it did! I didn’t know what you were prior to being diagnosed by my endocrinologist. 
All of a sudden you were the most important organ and somehow you were controlling the beat of my whole body. So small and yet so crazy! I would stand there shaking, whilst you allowed that somewhat manic hormone
to rush through my body at a wild racing car speed.
Palpitations, choking, coughing controlled what activity I could do with all of that happening at once!
I’d fall asleep and not wake up for 13 hours on end and have the most rigid nightmares that would stay with me for days!
Just answer me one thing…
”What did I ever do to you?’ I’m glad you’re gone and finally I felt free. For the first year I would have good days and bad days and then as I managed to adjust, the good days became more frequent! I’d increase my dosage and then slowly as I got leveled, my doctors no longer cared, they believe I am normal because my thyroid levels are!!  Normal is dictated by the masses as Webster once told us! It makes me so mad that just because I am within range, they believe I am great! If I was great, do they really think I would feel so bad, some days?  I wish those doctors could spend a day in our shoes! Maybe then they would understand!!

Rebecca Louise Duffy Dear thyroid, why do I feel the need to blame you for so many things; even when you no longer exist in me?! I think we would have had a better relationships had you have been vanished from me, before I was even born! 

Kathleen Taylor I love how ‘others’ who have back pain, leg pain, headache. Whatever, cranky as they are, expect to have the rest of us step out of their way, and when I’m stuck in the middle of thymentia and cannot remember what the hell I’m talking about or doing, and I become frustrated, get told by the cranky pain people “Geesh! You need a day off! You’d better take two!” Thanks thyroid. I DO indeed have a day off. So, let me be! I’m doing fine on my own today, thank you!

Michelle Farrell I would like to thyrant the fact that I am having a low-carb. smoothie for breakfast instead of my favorite omelet with a ton of potatoes at the Stephanie’s on Newbury because I now gain weight like CRAZY! Thanks thyroid!

Liz Schau Thyroid, you did your best to make your presence known this past week. I can’t ever go somewhere without you getting jealous. You want my undivided attention, I know this. You even showed up at my cousin’s wedding. You crashed the wedding, really. I did my best to fight, or accommodate, or ignore you. It didn’t exactly work… everyone found you out. But the point is, I did it — I traveled, and I made plans without your consent. And, for once, that was nice.

Michael Ray McGoodwin Wilson Thyrant: Hey you, thyroid! I feel great! I feel like a new man! A new, younger man! I’ve felt this way for the past two weeks! YOU ROCK! (for now)


Filed under Thyrants