Thy’ve Arrived? Oh, No. No Way. No How. NO!

Dear Thyroid Letters, Thyroid Patient letters, Anne Liang Thyrioid Patient

Dear Thyroid;

We’ve been together for nearly twenty-three years now, yet I feel as though we have only really gotten to know each other over the past few months.  Before we got acquainted, I was a happy, energetic, athletic girl.  There was never a dull moment in my life, never a time where I couldn’t ‘see the bright side’ of things… But thanks to you, my life has forever changed.  You REALLY had me thinking I had gone insane when I just couldn’t get out of bed in the morning anymore.  There was no such thing as ‘enough sleep’.  I couldn’t smile.  I couldn’t feel.  Indifference had taken over and my ‘old self’ was nowhere to be found.  Before I knew it, I was twenty pounds heavier, my favorite word was “whatever”, and I completely didn’t care about the present or the future.  Everyone in my life was worried about me, and I felt like I could not bear to go on feeling … nothing.  

Desperate, I went to see my family doctor for help. ‘Major depression’ was the diagnosis I was given, along with a bottle of Effexor, and a list of therapists in my area.  I was also sent for a few blood tests, just in case something else was causing me to be such a downer.  My favorite past time was complaining.  I was SO good at it.  My boyfriend called me ‘Miss Miserable’.  I finally had an explanation for my friends and family!  “It’s not that I don’t like you and that I don’t want to spend time with you, it’s just that I am in a major depression and need to take care of my mental health right now.  And, also, I don’t need your help through these ‘difficult times’ because my doctor gave me some good drugs and I am doing enough talking in therapy.  I’ll call you when I’m better, thanks!”  So what if people thought I was weird, I did not care.  For the first time in months I had a valid excuse for blowing everyone off in my life.  

Just when I had gotten comfortable with my new diagnosis of depression, a second set of blood tests revealed elevated TPO antibodies, indicating an autoimmune disease.  One endocrinologist appointment later and I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, symptomatic subclinical hypothyroidism, and a goiter that definitely needed further examination (by ultrasound). Well, that explained fifteen years of hives, a lifetime of always being the first one to catch a cold, my major weight gain, and best of all, I wasn’t crazy.  I just had you, my darling, to blame all of my old and new problems on.  

My TSH level keeps going up and down, up and down, my T4 has yet to react, and my TPO antibodies remain sky high.  Right now my TSH is within normal limits, my antidepressants have kicked in, five of the twenty pounds have disappeared, and I feel good again, except for the fatigue.  No one seems to understand it, except for my wonderful boyfriend.  People think I’ve become boring, lazy, unmotivated to have fun.  They don’t understand that all my energy is taken up by the tasks I ‘need’ to do, and that many of the things I ‘want’ to do are on hold, until I find the energy to do them.  I am happy, I am not my old self, but I am similar.  

So, my oversized fiend thank you for this adventure I will be on for the rest of my life.  

Thank you for the crash course in physiology.  Thank you for growing to a size all of my friends could see. At least now they have to believe it’s nothing personal. My thyroid’s just acting up.



(Bio) “Anne Liang is a 22 year old Eurasian Montrealer.  She has been a registered nurse working in cardiology for two years.  She was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s six months ago, although she’s been dealing with many of its symptoms for years.  Next week, she is getting an ultrasound of her goiter. You can follow Anne on Twitter.”


Filed under Dear Thyroid Letters

4 responses to “Thy’ve Arrived? Oh, No. No Way. No How. NO!

  1. Joseph

    Anne, your “goiter” looks like Adam’s apple.
    Best of luck with ultrasound; hopefully there won’t be any large lumps!!

  2. Hello Anne,my name is Heather and I am 15 years old. When I was in the 7th grade I learned that for the rest of my life I would have the Thyroid Disease. I am not sure how it works or how i got it but i do know that my life has not been the same with it. Before i had this disease I was always out doing something fun! I am not for sure when it started but I think it was when i was in the 3rd grade. I think that is when it started because I was always sick and I gained weight like crazy. I never had the energy to play with the other kids all the time. Around that time I also found out that I had asthma. My life growing up was always a battle because I was always sick! One thing I can’t figure out is why didn’t any Dr. notice that i was changing and was sick? I didn’t find out until my 7th grade year that I even have this disease. When my family and I found out that I had this disease we were shocked! My levels were so high that my Dr. said it is a good thing we found out when we did because i could have been in a coma! That is when I realized that i want to live my life and love it because you never know what could happen! It is hard for me sometimes because I wish that I could be skinny and have the energy to go and be with friends all the time! I always get made fun of because i don’t look like i am 15 but that does not bother me that much. Yea i wish sometimes that i was taller and that i could do something about my weight but I just know that I can’t. The reason why I am telling you this is because your letter showed me that I am not alone and I want to thank you for brightening my day! 🙂 I hope you will send me a message back!
    From: Heather

    • Dear Heather;

      Thank you so much for sharing your story with Dear Thyroid. I am very sorry that you were diagnosed with thyroid disease at such a young age. Your courage is astounding.

      Please know that you are a welcomed addition to the Dear Thyroid community and you are not alone!

      Please don’t hesitate to email me,, especially if you want to get in touch with other teens struggling with thryoid disease.

      I am wishing you good health,

  3. Anne Liang

    Hi Heather, I’m glad you enjoyed reading my letter. Are you taking synthroid or any other medication for your hypothyroidism right now? Doctors don’t routinely test children for thyroid problems because they aren’t as common, and the symptoms are easy to blame on other things.
    Do you have ups and downs? Right now my TSH has magically gone back down, and I’ve been making the most of my new found energy!!!!!! It’s scary to think that one day I may wake up and find myself exhausted all over again, but at least I’m really appreciating life now!
    There will always be taller/skinnier girls out there, but they’re probably not half as interesting, nice or funny as we are. It’s highly likely that once guys get to know these tall/skinny girls, they will find them super boring compared to us.
    Don’t give up or lose hope!!! You will feel good again, even if it takes some time for things to balance out. You can email me anytime at

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